The Poster Catalog 2.9 meg (DL: approx 4-5 minutes)
Most Posters 17" x 22", available as paper, laminated or framed.
Table of Contents Poster Series:
Character Building Poster, Wacky Job Search Posters, Career Planning Posters, Career Center Posters, Career Guidance Posters, Motivational Posters, Job Search Posters, Job Success Posters, Images of Excellence Posters, Classroom Success Posters, Study Skills Posters, Personal Development Posters, Alcohol & Tobacco Prevention Posters, Substance Abuse Posters, Drop-Out Prevention Posters, Violence in School Posters, Responsible Sex Posters, Parenting Posters, What is Motherhood Posters, What is Fatherhood Posters, Kitchen Safety Posters, Simple Machines Posters, School to Work Posters, School Spirit Posters, Family & Consumer Science Posters, Consumer Awareness Posters, State Posters
Career Education, Character Education, Consumer Awareness, Life Skills, Posters, Science, Social Studies, Substance Abuse, Technology, Teen Parenting
Other Subjects featuring this Catalog: Career Education, Character Education, Conflict Resolution, Consumer Awareness , Educational CD-ROM & Software, Landmarks and Historic Places, Life Skills, National Parks and Monuments, Posters, Science, Social Studies, Substance Abuse, Technology, Teen Parenting
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"Order this Catalog on CD-Rom" option will include all career catalogs available in .pdf format.

Educational Associates - CDs and Videos (1.51 meg DL: 4-5 minutes DSL)
Table of Contents:
Substance Abuse 423k (DL: 1-2 minutes) , Helping Students at Risk, Dating & Responsibility, Teen Pregnancy & Parenthood, Character Building, Contemporary Social Issues 202k (DL: under 1 minute), Health Issues 278k, (DL: about 2 minutes), Successful Job Search 535k (DL: about 3 minutes) , Career Awareness, Career & Technical Education, Money Management, Consumer Education, Language Arts 159k (DL: about a minute)
Career Education, Character Education, Drug Awareness, Health Issues, Life Skills, Substance Abuse, Teen Parenting
Catalog Image and Title are linked to a .pdf file. This requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Estimated time to download: cable/dsl: about 4-5 minutes, 56k modem (dial-up), about 5-8 minutes depending on your machine's speed. Slower machines will download slower. (If you need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the files, click one of these links, install the file, and then double click on the downloaded file and it will open the file in the Reader. (Windows or Macintosh) )
This catalog also appears in these subjects - Drug Awareness, Educational CD-ROM & Software, Health, Life Skills, Substance Abuse, Teen Parenting, Career Education, Character Education, Spelling, Consumer Awareness, Contemporary Social Issues, Social Studies, Videos, Vocabulary
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"Order this Catalog on CD-Rom" option will include all career catalogs available in .pdf format.