Instructional Materials Across The Curriculum 5.4 megs (DL: 4-8 minutes)
Social Studies - This catalog also covers High School students Reading at the elementary level.
Table of Contents:
Government 678k (DL: less than a minute), Geography 1.5mg (DL: about 3 minutes), Crime & The Law 160k (DL: less than a minute), The Constitution, U.S. History 2.3mg (DL: about 2-4 minutes), Regional Social Studies 1.9mg (DL: about 3 minutes), Economics 242k (DL: about a minute), Daily Life & Work Place Vocabulary 100k (DL: less than a minute), Core Democratic Values, Rights & Citizenship, World History, World Geography, Primary Resource Materials 107k (DL: less than a minute) Videos 1.2mg (DL: about 3 minutes), Senior Resources 327k (DL: less than a minute), Posters 1.7mg (DL: about 3 minutes) Games and Puzzles 822k (DL: about a minute)
Economics, History, Life Skills, Reading, Senior Resources, Videos, Posters, Cultures, Social Studies, Special Needs
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This catalog also appears in these subjects - Economics, History, Landmarks and Historic Places, National Parks and Monuments, Reading, Social Studies, Special Needs, Videos Download entire Catalog - Order this Catalog on CD-ROM - Request a Paper Catalog
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