Subject: Adult Education,  Career Education,  Character Education,  Conflict Resolution,  Consumer Awareness,  Contemporary Social IssuesCritical Thinking, Drug Awareness,  
Early Childhood,  Economics,  Educational CD-ROM & Software,   English As A Second Language,   Foreign Language,   Grammar, Health,   History,  Landmarks and Historic
,  Language Arts,  Life Skills,   Math,   Michigan,   National Parks & Monuments,  
Posters,   Reading,   Science,  Social Studies, Special Needs,   Spelling,   Substance Abuse,   Teacher Support,   Technology,  Teen Parenting,   Test Preparation,   Videos,   Vocabulary,   Writing

Computer Resources

Character Education

Educational CD-Roms & Software

Critical Thinking

Edcon Publishing Company


Standard Deviants

Saxon Homeschool

Foreign Resources

Adult Education

Educational Associates

JIST Career Materials

Michigan & The States Around The Great Lakes

Instructional Materials across the Social Studies Curriculum

The Poster Catalog

Usborne Elementary

Careers Catalog

Steck Vaughn Catalog

American Catalog

Hispanic Catalog

Job Search & Career Development (2.3 megs, DL: 3-5 minutes, DSL)
More Than 100 Practical Self-Directed Products that help people learn about jobs and their skills. Find jobs and get Hired. Succeed on their Jobs and in Life. The links open an Adobe .pdf File. To return to this page, click "back" on your browser.

Table of Contents: (Click on Links to View Catalog Pages)
The Very Best

Assessment Inventories 533k (DL: about a minute), CD-ROMs 192k (DL: less than a minute), Instructional Videos 651k (DL: less than 2 minutes), Interacting Workbooks/Text 401k (DL: less than 2 minutes), Planning Portfolios 237k (DL: less than a minute), Reference Books .99 megs (DL: less than 2 minutes), Resumes 630k (DL: less than 2 minutes)

To Teach
Career Decision Making, Career Planning 872k (DL: less than 2 minutes), Career & Occupational, Information, Employability & Job Success 525k (DL: less than 2 minutes), Life Skills, Personal Development Skills, Self Directed Job Search 1.55 megs (DL: less than 3 minutes)

Career Education, Educational CD-ROM & Software, Life Skills, Special Needs 247k (DL: about a minute), Teacher Support 451k (DL: about a minute), Technology, Videos 651k (DL: about 2 minutes)

Catalog Image and Title are linked to a .pdf file. This requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Estimated time to download: cable/dsl: about 3-5 minutes, 56k modem (dial-up), about 5-8 minutes depending on your machine's speed. Slower machines will download slower. (If you need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the files, click one of these links, install the file, and then double click on the downloaded file and it will open the file in the Reader. (Windows or Macintosh) )

This catalog also appears in these subjects - Career Education, Educational CD-ROM and Software, Life Skills, Videos, Special Needs, Teacher Support, Technology

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